“We are a team of dedicated workers.
We manufacture wood products at the price of plywood.”

Акс Груп Мебел ДОО From the headquarters of Industrijska br.1 in Negotino, Mebel Mak Macedonia is a company founded in 2019. Our company is registered for domestic and international payment transactions, with activities in the Macedonian payment market as well as export activities. We are a VAT-registered entity with registration number MK4057019548526.

In the initial phases of development, Mebel Mak Macedonia produced semi-finished products and components for major bed manufacturers in the region and in Germany. A step forward in the company's development was investing in a new production line and adding new machinery as a complement to the existing ones. This investment in equipment and machinery was strongly supported initially through a credit line from Halk Bank AD Skopje and their visionary team, who believed in the idea of creating a domestic product competitive in regional and global markets.

The first year of the new venture, known as Manufacturer No. 1 in Macedonia for wooden children's beds, meant exporting over 5000 beds to the markets of the European Union generally through major retail chains. The next step in our company's development is the development and establishment of our own brand, Mebel Mak Macedonia, which is slowly but surely becoming the number one choice for people seeking wooden beds made to the highest quality standards with modern design.

At present, Mebel Mak Macedonia employs around 30 dedicated staff who are the backbone of our success. In terms of human capital and knowledge, we can confidently say that our team consists of experienced professionals and young, ambitious managers.

Our mission and vision are for the Mebel Mak Macedonia brand to become regionally recognized as the top choice for furniture made from solid wood.

Come and experience the quality and timeless charm that wood offers as a piece of furniture with eternal relevance.

Everything we build is going to last a lifetime– generations. And it’s always going to hold its’ value, too.

Креативен персонал

Наштата компанија брои 30 вработени, нашиот тим е составен од искусни кадри и млади и амбициозни менџери.


Препознатлив квалитет е наша главна цел и затоа од основањето до ден денес ние како компанија континуирано вложуваме во технологија, притоа посветувајќи и значајно внимание на човечкиот капитал.

Напорна работа

Од самите почетоци силно сме посветени на иновации во целокупниот процес на работа. Континуирано инвестираме во знаење и нови вештини. 

Задоволни клиенти

Задоволните клиенти се наша најголема реклама. Нашите производи се застапени на ЕУ пазарот, најмногу во Германија, а застапени сме и на пазарот во Велика Британија и Америка.

Во потрага сме по нов талент

Сега е време да бидеш дел од нашиот тим. Поради проширување на нашите извозни капацитети бараме амбициозни соработници. Отворени работни позиции : оператор на машина, контрола на квалитет, испорака на кревети и монтажа, оператори во лакирница, цнц оператори, платена пракса за млади луѓе, паковно оделение, лица со столарски вештини.